
How NRCSA is Organized

NRCSA is a not-for-profit 501(C)(4) organization that is governed by its Articles of Incorporation and its by-laws. The by-laws define the governance structure of the organization by defining an Executive and a Legislative Committee and their respective duties. Additionally it sets parameters in which the organization works.

In accord with NRCSA by-laws, the organization is governed by an Executive Committee made up of a President, President-Elect, Past President, a Secretary and six district representatives. The six districts are the West District, the North Central District, the Northeast District, the Southeast District, the South Central District, and the Southwest District. The map roughly demonstrates the six districts. School districts that are split by these boundaries are considered in the district in which their administrative offices are located.

The Executive Committee members are elected to fill three-year terms. Annually a President-Elect is elected by the voting members of NRCSA. The President-Elect serves one year as President-Elect, one year as President, and one year as Past-President. The District Representatives are elected to three-year terms and may serve two-consecutive terms. The Secretary-Treasurer also fills a three-year term and may serve two-consecutive terms.


Jack Moles, Executive Director(402) 335-7732(402)
Russ Westerhold, Lobbyist(402) 476-2469
Jeff Bundy, Office Manager(402) 202-6028